Causes And Medical Management Of Cystic Acne

Cystic acne is a type of acne that causes cyst-like pimples to appear on the face and sometimes the neck and back. It can be extremely painful and disfiguring and can occasionally leave behind deep scarring and tissue damage. Here are some causes of cystic acne and effective treatment options that your dermatologist may recommend.

Causes Of Cystic Acne

While cystic acne may have numerous causes, it can develop in people who do not have any known risk factors. Cystic acne can have a genetic component and may be hereditary. This means that if one or both of your parents or your siblings were affected by cystic acne, you may develop it as well.

Hormones may also play a role in the development of cystic acne. It can occur at various times in your life when your hormones are most active, including during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. It can also develop if you take certain hormonal medications such as those containing androgens or testosterone. Cystic acne may be more likely to develop in teenagers; however, people of all ages can get it. Severe cases of cystic acne may be more common in males, and it can also occur on the arms and shoulders.

Treatments For Cystic Acne

Your dermatologist may recommend both topical and oral antibiotics to treat your acne. Antibiotic therapy helps decrease the bacterial count on your skin, and it may also help suppress the inflammation that accompanies this skin condition.

Birth control pills may also be prescribed to help regulate hormonal activity; however, this option may not be appropriate for everyone. Vitamin A topical preparations may also help clear cystic acne, as might the injection of steroids into the cysts. Steroid injections are performed in the dermatologist's office and are generally well-tolerated. Some people may experience temporary minor irritation and redness around the injection sites; however, these symptoms will usually resolve shortly after your treatment.

While these treatment options are effective in clearing cystic acne, it is essential that you keep your skin meticulously clean by washing it frequently with a mild skin cleanser and warm water. Gently massaging your skin while cleansing it can help boost circulation and promote healing.

If you have cystic acne, make an appointment with your dermatologist. When proper medical management is implemented at the first signs of cystic acne, you may be less prone to developing skin infections and deep scarring of your skin.

Contact a clinic like Hamzavi Dermatology to learn more. 
